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Tag: Modern Practice Solutions

How to Get Rid of a Lousy Dental Patient

It may sound redundant, but we cannot please every patient we serve. Although the majority of the individuals we serve may be great patients and contribute to you having a wonderful day at work, the reality is there’s those one or two who make our lives miserable. It’s the rude, disruptive patient who has unrealistic expectations. Maybe they don’t comply with your recommendations and then blame you for unfavorable results. They fail to keep appointments. They don’t pay their bill. And somehow you are the target of lousy dental patients.

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Air Quality in a Dental Office

As air quality has been a major headline topic lately in the eastern U.S. and Canada, it is a major consideration for the dental practice as well. The scientific community has made a committed emphasis on indoor air quality of medical and dental facilities since the 1960s, and now with airborne infections becoming a critical focus, there have been new developments in ensuring that your practice’s air quality clean and healthy for both the patients and its workers.

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Florida Health Center Fails to Provide Auxiliary Aides and Services to Caretaker

As of May 10, 2023, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ OCR entered into a Voluntary Resolution Agreement with a Florida health center. This agreement resolves a disability discrimination complaint based on Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. As well as Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act.

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Are You Aware of the “Look Who Died” Facebook Scheme?

There are various social media scams where hackers target your accounts, removing your business name and even your presence entirely. These Facebook schemes can lead to serious consequences, including unauthorized access and potential damage to your reputation. Stay vigilant and regularly monitor your social media accounts for any signs of suspicious activity.

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Should a Hygienist or RDA Serve as HIPAA Officer?

by Olivia Wann

This is a great question. We appreciate anyone willing to serve as HIPAA Officer in compliance capacities in a practice. First, let’s establish that the role and designation of the HIPAA Privacy Officer and the role of the HIPAA Security Officer may be combined into one designation as the HIPAA Compliance Officer in smaller practices. However, compliance with the Privacy Rule versus the Security Rule is a bit different.

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