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My Patient Is Refusing Radiographs: What Should I Do?

We’ve all had that patient who tells the hygienist as soon as they walk into the treatment room, “No x-ray today.” A patient is refusing radiographs- do we simply make notes in the patient’s record and continue with the prophy? Hmm…sounds like a poor risk management plan.

Taking an Empathetic Approach

Let’s take an empathetic approach and endeavor to reason with the patient. We can explain that we follow the American Dental Association’s guidelines for prescribing dental radiographs. Take a moment to discuss how minimal radiation exposure is. Address any financial concerns. Granted, the patient has the right to consent or refuse treatment, but how risky is it when they continually decline radiographs year after year?

The Consequences of Refusing Radiographs

Consider this: recently, a patient sued a dentist for damages. Evidently, she ended up in the hospital for four days due to a severe infraorbital infection, secondary to a grossly decayed upper first molar. She asserted malpractice due to failure to diagnose decay on #14. The dentist explained that the patient refused the radiographs. According to the expert witness, the dentist placed himself in a negligent position by acceding to the patient’s demands.

Obligations to Maintain the Standard of Care

Even though the dentist educated the patient on the need for radiographs and regardless of whether or not the patient signed a “waiver,” dentists are obligated to practice at a certain standard of care. Whether a patient is noncompliant with radiographs or a certain course of treatment, it may be necessary to terminate the dental-patient relationship due to non-compliance. This matter should be discussed with the managing dentist.

Avoiding Claims of Patient Abandonment

If a patient is dismissed from the practice, make certain that you are following the proper guidelines to avoid claims of patient abandonment.

Educating the Team and Improving Compliance

Educate the dental team and rehearse suggested dialogue to improve patient compliance. Keep in mind that even though we want to please our patients, we must practice dentistry according to the standard of care.

Want to learn more about Modern Practice Solutions?

By Olivia Wann


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    If you need support with OSHA and HIPAA compliance, you’re in the right place. Since 2000, we’ve been helping dental practices navigate these complex regulations. We understand the increasing challenges posed by evolving compliance requirements, cyber threats, and the significant government penalties for non-compliance. Let us help you stay protected and compliant.

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Compliance Law, Dental Law, Modern Practice Solutions, My Patient Is Refusing Radiographs: What Should I Do?, Radiographs

Modern Practice Solutions

If you need support with OSHA and HIPAA compliance, you’re in the right place. Since 2000, we’ve been helping dental practices navigate these complex regulations. We understand the increasing challenges posed by evolving compliance requirements, cyber threats, and the significant government penalties for non-compliance. Let us help you stay protected and compliant.