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Is Annual Fit Testing Required for N95s?

Doctor wearing mask

It really depends on your specific workplace needs. If your operation requires the use of respirators, you are required to provide annual fit testing for each employee. Annual fit testing ensures that the respirator fits properly and offers the necessary protection. This is crucial for maintaining safety standards and regulatory compliance.

Voluntary Respirator Use

Voluntary use of respirators in work atmospheres that are not hazardous does not require individuals to be fit tested.

For more information, refer to OSHA’s interpretation: OSHA Standard Interpretation – 2018.

CDC Recommendations for Healthcare Settings

Please note that the CDC recommends wearing a NIOSH-approved particulate respirator with N95 filters or higher for all aerosol-generating procedures in healthcare settings. This is particularly important when community transmission levels of COVID-19 increase and there is potential for encountering asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection or other respiratory infections. These include patients exhibiting symptoms like a runny nose, cough, or sneeze.

OSHA Respirator Requirements

If you require respirators, OSHA mandates the following requirements:

  • Training on Respiratory Protection
  • Written Respiratory Protection Program
  • Medical Evaluations
  • Fit Testing
  • User Seal Checks

For more details, refer to OSHA’s regulations: OSHA Respiratory Protection Standards.

Have any questions about conducting annual fit testing?


  • Modern Practice Solutions

    If you need support with OSHA and HIPAA compliance, you’re in the right place. Since 2000, we’ve been helping dental practices navigate these complex regulations. We understand the increasing challenges posed by evolving compliance requirements, cyber threats, and the significant government penalties for non-compliance. Let us help you stay protected and compliant.

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Annual Fit Testing, Compliance Law, Dental Law, Modern Practice Solutions

Modern Practice Solutions

If you need support with OSHA and HIPAA compliance, you’re in the right place. Since 2000, we’ve been helping dental practices navigate these complex regulations. We understand the increasing challenges posed by evolving compliance requirements, cyber threats, and the significant government penalties for non-compliance. Let us help you stay protected and compliant.