How to Navigate Political Tensions in the Dental Office

In the workplace, we must foster an environment that respects diverse opinions, especially during times of political tension. The subject of politics can be polarizing and stir up strong emotions that are tied to our personal core values
Navigating Political Discussions at Work
With the upcoming presidential election, team members might throw verbal punches at one another and debate controversial topics while on the clock.
Promoting Respect and Professionalism
In management, we are obliged to promote a work environment that respects one another’s opinions. Conversations are one thing, but bashing another individual is inappropriate, especially when such conduct can decrease the productivity of our workday and cause work relationships to erode.
Establishing Guidelines and Code of Conduct
If you serve in a managerial position, you may find it beneficial to establish guidelines and clarify what the code of conduct is during this period. While we do not wish to stifle sharing of individual viewpoints and perspectives, we want workers to be able to communicate in a professional manner. Learn how to de-escalate conflict and preserve your professional relationships.
Neutralizing Toxic Political Topics
If a political topic is going nowhere fast, neutralize the topic in order to avoid slipping into a toxic argument. Avoid pressing those emotional hot buttons which end up ruining the workday and create negative team morale.
Encouraging Constructive Conversations
One conversation is not going to change someone else’s views. If you are in a conversation, try to keep it just that: a conversation, a two-way exchange of ideas. Look for common ground. Avoid contentious issues that would make political tension worsen.
Reporting Threatening Behavior
If a team member becomes irrational and threatening, this conduct should be reported to management. Police tension in the dental office must be handled appropriately.
Maintaining Professionalism
As we approach the upcoming months, let’s be mindful of maintaining our professional environment and avoid disrupting the workplace.
Compliance Law, Dental Law, Modern Practice Solutions, Political Tensions