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Defibrillators: Are Yours Ready and Set?

by Gracie Hogue

We all work from day to day without thinking of the possibilities of a dire emergency happening. But in the offhand chance that someone needs to be revived, is your AED ready?

Imagine this scenario: a patient suddenly needs a defibrillator. The team gets it and brings it to the patient, and it’s covered in a thin layer of dust. The team tries to use it. It is not in working order, and the patient is lost.

The AED monthly checklist is a great way to make sure that your AED is ready to rock and roll if an emergency arises. A checklist can be made easily with these items:

  • Visual check of device – no visual damage or missing parts
  • Battery check
  • Pads are in-date and sealed
  • Spare pads are in-date and sealed
  • Accessory equipment present and in-date (towel, razor, scissors, gloves, paperwork)
  • Storage cabinet secure
  • Checklist signed/initialed

Making a monthly check on the condition of your AED is a great way to ensure that if it is needed, it can save a life.