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Defibrillators: Are Yours Ready and Set?

Defibrillator in case

Most of us go through our daily routines without considering the possibility of a sudden emergency. But what if someone urgently needed a defibrillator? Would your AED be ready to save a life?

A Dire Scenario: When the AED Fails

Now, imagine this scenario: a patient suddenly needs a defibrillator. The team quickly retrieves it and brings it to the patient. However, as they prepare to use it, they notice it’s covered in a thin layer of dust. Despite their efforts, the AED doesn’t work, and tragically, the patient is lost.

The AED Monthly Checklist: Be Ready to Save a Life

The AED monthly checklist is a great way to make sure that your AED is ready to rock and roll if an emergency arises. A checklist can be made easily with these items:

  • Visual check of device – no visual damage or missing parts
  • Battery check
  • Pads are in-date and sealed
  • Spare pads are in-date and sealed
  • Accessory equipment present and in-date (towel, razor, scissors, gloves, paperwork)
  • Storage cabinet secure
  • Checklist signed/initialed

Ensuring Readiness Through Monthly Checks

Making a monthly check on the condition of your AED is a great way to ensure that if it is needed, it can save a life.

Additionally, learn more about Modern Practice Solutions by contacting us today.


  • Modern Practice Solutions

    If you need support with OSHA and HIPAA compliance, you’re in the right place. Since 2000, we’ve been helping dental practices navigate these complex regulations. We understand the increasing challenges posed by evolving compliance requirements, cyber threats, and the significant government penalties for non-compliance. Let us help you stay protected and compliant.

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Compliance Law, Defibrillators, Dental Law, Modern Practice Solutions

Modern Practice Solutions

If you need support with OSHA and HIPAA compliance, you’re in the right place. Since 2000, we’ve been helping dental practices navigate these complex regulations. We understand the increasing challenges posed by evolving compliance requirements, cyber threats, and the significant government penalties for non-compliance. Let us help you stay protected and compliant.