Defibrillators: Are Yours Ready and Set?

Most of us go through our daily routines without considering the possibility of a sudden emergency. But what if someone urgently needed a defibrillator? Would your AED be ready to save a life?
A Dire Scenario: When the AED Fails
Now, imagine this scenario: a patient suddenly needs a defibrillator. The team quickly retrieves it and brings it to the patient. However, as they prepare to use it, they notice it’s covered in a thin layer of dust. Despite their efforts, the AED doesn’t work, and tragically, the patient is lost.
The AED Monthly Checklist: Be Ready to Save a Life
The AED monthly checklist is a great way to make sure that your AED is ready to rock and roll if an emergency arises. A checklist can be made easily with these items:
- Visual check of device – no visual damage or missing parts
- Battery check
- Pads are in-date and sealed
- Spare pads are in-date and sealed
- Accessory equipment present and in-date (towel, razor, scissors, gloves, paperwork)
- Storage cabinet secure
- Checklist signed/initialed
Ensuring Readiness Through Monthly Checks
Making a monthly check on the condition of your AED is a great way to ensure that if it is needed, it can save a life.
Additionally, learn more about Modern Practice Solutions by contacting us today.
Compliance Law, Defibrillators, Dental Law, Modern Practice Solutions