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The Requirements of Emergency Eyewash Stations

by Gracie Hogue

When treating patients, corrosive chemicals and debris and even splash and splatter from the patient’s oral cavity can end up in unprotected eyes. Because of this, it’s vital that an emergency eyewash station is nearby and up to OSHA’s standards. If you’re wondering if your practice even merits having one in the first place, OSHA answers you with a clear and resounding “YES”:

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Another Dentist in Hot Water for a HIPAA Violation Due to Responding to an Online Review

by Gracie Hogue

On December 14, 2022, the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced a settlement with a dental practice in California over the impermissible disclosure of patient protected health information (PHI) in response to online reviews, and other potential violations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule. The practice used social media inappropriately responding to a negative online review that disclosed Protected Health Information. The dental practice paid $23,000 to OCR and agreed to implement a corrective action plan (CAP) to resolve this investigation. 

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The Benefits of Using Cassettes

by Olivia Wann

I have personally been a fan of the Hufriedy IMS cassette system for many years. Why? Number one, the cassette system promotes safety. By handling the contaminated instruments less, the assistants and hygienists are less likely to have a sharps injury.  If we can minimize the risk of an exposure incident, we have accomplished two things: 1) employees feel safer, and 2) we minimized the added costs of post exposure management.

I also how it saves time and promotes organization. Up to an hour a day is saved and we all can use more time in our day!

Another plus is the fact that the instruments will last longer by reducing the amount of abrasive contact during transport and pre-cleaning in the ultrasonic cleaner. Once again, this puts dollars back in the practice’s budget.

Why Are Employees Leaving?

by Olivia Wann

Have you wondered why people are leaving their jobs? According to iHire’s 2022 Talent Retention Report, the top 5 reasons people left jobs in the last 12 months are:

  • Unhappy with their manager/supervisor  43.7%
  • Unsatisfactory pay/salary  43.4%
  • Poor work/life balance 35.4%
  • Lack of recognition/appreciation 29.7%
  • Few growth/advancement opportunities 28.3%

In a dental or medical office, obviously compensation can peak in line with industry averages for the required position; however, can we explore ways to increase satisfaction with compensation such as an additional paid day off, participation in a bonus, payment of a portion of health insurance coverage or other ideas? 

Most dental offices only work 4 days a week allowing better work/life balance. However, in evaluating a lack of recognition or appreciation, can we consider making the effort to engage everyone during morning huddles and team meetings? Perhaps interview team members during the meeting to share their perspective on practice growth, patient satisfaction, and goals for the new year. Everyone wants and needs to be heard.

We are excited to offer the program: From Acceptable to Exceptional: How to raise your team’s performance and keep them engaged. If you have any questions in regards to courses offered in the coming year, email