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Inventory Control

Over-ordering can result in pushing the practice over budget and risk expiration of products prior to use. Not having enough supplies leads to frustration, especially when you reach for a product only to find an empty shelf. Inventory control is an important part of functioning of a dental office.

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What Happens if a Patient Refuses to Sign the HIPAA Form?

by Olivia Wann

The law requires that we ask the patient to acknowledge receipt of the Notice of Privacy Practices. The law does not require the patient to sign the “acknowledgment of receipt of the notice.” Signing does not mean that the patient agreed to any special uses or disclosures of the patient’s records.  Refusing to sign the acknowledgement does not prevent you from using or disclosing health information as HIPAA permits.   

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Should a Pregnant Employee Take Radiographs?

by Olivia Wann

If a pregnant dentist, dental assistant, or dental hygienist must take patient radiographs, it is recommended that you provide a personal dosimetry badge to track her exposure to radiation, according to the ADA. Provide barrier protection while operating radiographic equipment. 

Utilize the ALARA principle to minimize radiation exposure. Be mindful of any state rules that may vary from this interpretation. 

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What Happens if a Patient Refuses to Sign the HIPAA Form?

The law requires that we ask the patient to acknowledge receipt of the Notice of Privacy Practices. The law does not require the patient to sign the “acknowledgment of receipt of the notice.” Signing does not mean that the patient agreed to any special uses or disclosures of the patient’s records. When a patient refuses to sign to sign the acknowledgment does not prevent you from using or disclosing health information as HIPAA permits.

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