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Top Ten Violations TOSHA Will Look For

Numerous dental offices across the state of Tennessee have been randomly audited. There has been much confusion and quite a bit of stress resulting. This article explores common violations TOSHA will look for, that we commonly see in dental offices in Tennessee. We hope you will find this information helpful in closing the gaps in your compliance program.

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How to Avoid HIPAA Marketing Scams

Has your dental office received a phone call stating:
“My name is XX. I’m calling your office today to conduct your mandatory HIPAA Security Risk Assessment that’s required by the Department of Health and Human Services…” Learn how to avoid HIPAA marketing scams and protect your practice from misleading tactics designed to sell unnecessary services.

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How to Dispose of Dental Anesthetic Carpules

Modern Practice Solutions, LLC receives many calls about how to dispose dental anesthetic carpules and other pharmaceutical waste. Recently, the American Dental Association published “Stericycle Contracts: Read the Fine Print – Dentists Question Business Practices” in the June 20, 2016 edition of ADA News. Dentists now search for affordable waste disposal options to avoid costly contracts.

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$150,000 Fine for Lost Thumb Drive

A dermatology practice recently faced a $150,000 fine after losing an unencrypted USB drive (also known as a flash drive or thumb drive). The device, stolen from a staff member’s vehicle, contained protected health information for over 2,200 patients. As a result, the practice not only paid the hefty fine but also agreed to implement a corrective action plan to address its HIPAA compliance issues. This case underscores the importance of securing sensitive data and avoiding costly compliance errors.

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Lawyers and HIPAA

HIPAA is certainly not new, especially for lawyers and HIPAA-related challenges. Hospitals, medical and dental practices, and other covered entities have grappled with HIPAA for years. Ask any healthcare worker about the topic, and they will likely share negative feedback. Such responses often relate to ongoing challenges, including continuous training, extensive policies, documentation, risk assessments, and complex risk management plans.

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HIPAA: Risk Assessment & Risk Management Plan

HIPAA compliance can feel overwhelming, but ensuring the security of your patients’ data is crucial for every healthcare practice. One of the fundamental requirements under HIPAA is conducting a thorough and accurate risk assessment of your data security. At Modern Practice Solutions, we work closely with your Practice Administrator and IT professionals to address critical questions and develop a robust compliance strategy.

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Do You Know How Long Hepatitis C Can Remain Infectious?

Recent studies indicate that hepatitis C can remain infectious at room temperatures for up to 6-weeks.  Is your practice following the latest infection control guidelines for infection control? The CDC reveals that approximately 3 million adults in the U.S., especially Baby Boomers (born 1945–1965), are infected with hepatitis C. Shockingly, 3 out of 4 infected individuals remain unaware of their condition. Once infected, 8 out of 10 people remain infected for life. These numbers are staggering.

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